Father You make me happy Because you keep Me live every single day Here on earth Also father I am happy That the earth Is my home Until the day I die Father I can't believe That you ended finally The winter I am also happy To say goodbye To winter And say hello again To spring Yes father we have changed the clocks Forward one hour And now the days are longer again Also, it gets dark by 9:00 pm And every night I go to bed by 9:00 pm Yes father I can't forget To pray to you I understand that it only takes a few minutes To pray to you Every single night Then I go quick to sleep Because my body is sending me Some warnings That is tired Also father I don't stay up through the night Past my bedtime Because that would Mess up my bed schedule That you made for me father Don't worry father I am always following my bed schedule That you created for me Tomorrow I will be up By 7 am Then I will go for a walk At the boardwalk First thing in the morning Because it won't be so hot For me Yes the seagulls are Are at the boardwalk Begging also for food Some people give food To the seagull So they shut up Because they make an awful noise Myself never give food to the seagull Also, I took a peek At the sky And there was no sign Of rain We are having a good weather For the boardwalk