A friend for life You had been for a Long time I am so happy to have Known you for a lifetime Also we both have Some respect for each other Also thanks god we are Born Christians And the day we die I hope We will die as Christians Yes we are fanatic religious people And I don’t care about what the rest of The world thinks about us We don’t see nothing wrong About being religious fanatics We never miss a day praying for Our father and we let him know That we love our father It was our father that made us Many years ago With his holy hands And placed us here on earth to live And we just love to live on earth my Father Father we take chances making Friends We don’t care which country From We welcome any one in our lives And we hope we have good luck Making friends We want the white people to Be our friends We don’t want nothing to do With black people Because we can’t trust them Yes people it took a long time For us to get used to live on Earth Yes friends the earth is our home Until the day we die Also father We don’t want to die young We are very worried about that Father Please let us live for a long time Here on earth Yes father we are happy with our lives That you gave to us We have everything we need In our lives We are healthy thanks god We don’t do street drugs because That will fry our brains Also we been sober for a life time Father