I could of never imagine myself getting addicted to you so easily, It was like one day you were a stranger, And the next day I couldn’t imagine day without you, Your smile became my favourite master piece, Your voice my favourite sound, And the time I spent with you the highlight of my day I always look forward to, It’s so rare to find someone who resonates with you on so many levels, Who feels like the missing piece I have been missing, With you darling every conversation is like an advebture, And evry silence is comfortable, You’ve have become a part of my routine, I eagerly look forword to, A habit that fills my soul with joy and warmth, Your presence in my life is like a comforting melody that I want to listen to on repeat, As everyday passes know that my affection for you only deepens, You’re not just another part of my life, You’re part of my soul, I got addicted to you so easily, And if I’m being honest I don’t ever want to find the cure.