Each night, which engulfs the day,- like the ocean's tide Rolls over sand, like death envelops life, both timely and blessed- Washes us away to reveal who we are. From him we can not hide.
Still we attempt, we turn, we face inside ourselves. We confide In no one, in fear that others will soil our dreams. We detest Each night, which engulfs the day like the ocean's tide.
The Son of Man was nailed to a cross and died. He chose to abide A God he had never seen but believed in. A God he confessed Washes us away and reveals who we are. From Him we can not hide.
Yet we are condemned by our choice, our power to decide What is wrong from what is right. Which is why we can not rest Each night, which engulfs the day like the ocean's tide.
We hope that when we look back at our lives we can say we've tried To turn ourselves around. I've heard that at our final hour fear of death Washes us away to reveal who we are. From him we can not hide.
All three noblemen: the darkness, he who defied Death, and that black angel himself hold our souls within their *******. Each knight- engulfs the days like the ocean's tide Rolls over sand, like death envelops life, all timley and blessed- Washes us away to reveal who we are. From Him we can not hide.