These are the cards you are dealt today. Never easy. Always trying hard to find a way to deal with them.
Same cards keep coming back. You can’t get rid of them. Some you will be able to throw away, some you only get sometimes and then they disappear again for a while.
What’s the end card? I wonder. You can only see the cards revealing this world and not what’s next.
But what’s beyond can shine through these cards and you can get a glimpse of your purpose. Your intense longing for something that’s not here.
They show you yourself, your life and battles in that day. You recognize some of them too much and some are new.
There are rules to this card-game I feel: -Don’t think you deserve better cards. -Don’t take your cards for granted. -Don’t take the easy way out. -Do have patience if you can. -Take breaks if possible. -Don’t take it too seriously. -Anything can happen, is possible.