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Mar 11
If there's One who knows the depth of the misery,
of watching your beloved child anguish in death and suffering,
It's the One who gave His Son for our freedom.

The pain of the little hands,
clutching onto your own in fear, confusion, anger, peace and finally rest.

The turmoil of the raging seas,
the unrelenting storm inside,
no time to breathe, no time to think.
Riddled with the torment that the one who was of you, is no longer.

Wrestling with the battle inside,
the war to believe,
the ability to have comfort in utter weakness -
unable to escape the need for your arms to be full again.
And your soul to have rest.

And love, you freely surrender
knowing the great Comforter, will bring you home, there where your heart lies,
in the arms of the Father.
Cherished and never alone.

Free from the grief of the world,
free to be loved and live in eternal peace.

And so, even in the thickest of darkness, light shines the brightest,
And we breathe in the hope that lifts our soul, back to You.
Written by
𝐤𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚  21/F/by the streams
(21/F/by the streams)   
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