Most days I feel like a guy, other times I feel like the girl I am then sometimes I feel like both. So far the gender dysphoria gets worse as my mental health seems stable and good. My gender dysphoria keeps acting up like sometimes I gaze at myself in the mirror I feel content then I will feel dizzy and pain spreads across my body. My breathing gets heavy. It's as though I am drowning in ocean and all I do is swim with every ounce strength I can. Some random guy yesterday yelled at me, "Go back where you came from, ******!" And to educate those of you that don't know, being gender fluid isn't the same as being transgender. Being gender fluid means one day I feel like a man, another day I feel like the girl I am and some days I feel like both genders. I have always respected transgender people. Transgender means you don't feel like gender you were born with so they take estrogen or testosterone then get gender affirming surgery.