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Jul 2010
As the compact square drifts into my mouth,
Cocoa fireworks ascend, shooting up at the speed of light,
Leaving the milky texture tinging in my mouth.
As heat slowly melts it; as it grows not up but down,
I can feel it slide smoothly down the tunnel that is my throat,
Still descending into a dark crevice,
Never to be seen again.
Fairtrade is one of many kinds,
Like Asian, African, American of our race.
A saviour object, one that can give so much,
To change the lives of millions,
To give them one thing that most people need.
This poem is copyright by Jack McAdam
27th of July 2010

I did not mean to copy my sister, but in my previous school I had created a poem that many thought was a great piece of work. Although that memory has slipped from my mind I still wanted to see if I could create something as good if not better. I hope you all like it anyway.
Written by
Jack McAdam
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