the young egoist licks a blunt blade in the wall until his tongue bleeds, to feel, yes to feel, feel anything in these fettid depths where splinters of light find themselves lost in the subterranean gloom of his bedroom where on occasion when it presents itself listens to grotesques, yes listens with an ear a plain nasty and unfeeling ear yet it listens without any phoney, putrid arty language he hears old irregular clocks feels the smells under the ground drinks unquenchable angers citing their antique tonal ability to create magic words out of rain and mist then screaming his voice starts oozing and undulating creeping through these slow subterranean pampas compressing and expanding themselves never and at once he believes it is an unsafe place of frighteningly sincere dangers then thinks is danger a place, licks the blunt blade in the wall for even in this desperation it makes him happy when his tongue bleeds he tries to perfect conventionally generous impulses the spit of dreams, his dreams as he dons his mask his mask of foolscap to write a poem then encounters angel-devils and demons who he has the power to deceive and thinks to himself as he licks the blunt blade in the wall finish it, finish it then realizes it's unfinishable