Sure! We can do catering, I said, As pools of ice met mine. For the first time. I knew how it felt to be a supernova, frozen in delay a flower mid-she-loves-me-not a pencil, whisking down as Ms. Proctor hisses begin!
The first person to kiss me on the cheek kept me up five hours playing cards I never saw her again.
In my weekly trial expelling all my agony “Are we there yet?”
Her eyelids shuttered open, painted like roses, like the glass they were. Her builder cried with the relief of someone who is finally fine not knowing what’s in store except that she won’t find cockroaches in her bedsheets anymore.
Stars are easiest to admire from afar. I realize how they’re more gorgeous through eyes engulfed in flames.
I cried every day for a month after that it wasn’t like me.
“Am I still here?” Oh, you pure fool By now don’t you know I hate melody. I’d write dozens of songs shatter bones of my thoughts sift quicksand to keep you.