The early encroachment of darkness arrived hand in hand with the naked black fingers of the tree limbs.
Those fingers married to the unmuffled wind which now gasped and screamed in fits of vitality (like some terrified animal fighting a trap) as it scraped itself across the frigid concrete and over the stiff dry blades of yellow grass, and echoed that awful moan across each and every hard unforgiving surface so that it could find the window of my dark bedroom.
My nine year old self, under covers eyes staring at the soft edged steely-colored ceiling shadows of streetlight-cast venetian blind windowframe.
Tar colored shadows pooled in the crevices between the greys extending in feathery obsidian tentacles like summer pond leeches.
The crying wind carries with it a cacophony of disparate portent.
From the trainyards, the deep dead Cello of the engines burrowing deep into my soul accented by the prison door slammings of coupling cars, and the off key bellowing of the air horns.
In the alley the clashing metal of trash collection percussion overlaying the robotic-dinosaur call of the garbage truck.
Sirens piercing in the distance with visions of blood and violence.
So alone, in the darkness in my mind this lullaby of horror Carries me into oblivion.