you will learn to shift your weight around You will learn to lean against things To always clutch handrails
You will learn to rate things from one to ten ten being the worst you’ve ever felt
You will learn loss You will lose functionality You will lose what you used to love doing You will learn not to partake in barbecue games, bowling nights You will learn to politely decline invitations You will lose friends Hobbies Muscle memory
You will learn to accept it You will learn that it is unacceptable
You will lose sympathy for others You will lose track of things You will learn that there is always something more to lose You will learn to hold just a few things sacred to cling only to that which you cannot lose You will learn that those things too can be lost
You will learn to hate god
You will learn how unobservant most people are You will learn not to disclose You will learn what not to say to avoid their suggestions and advice
You will learn to be alone
You will learn the difference between NSAIDs and acetaminophen between hydro and oxy the difference between SSI and SSDI between deductibles and out of pocket maximums You will learn to cry in hospital parking garages You will learn the limits of modern medicine for the working and middle classes You will learn to lower your expectations You will learn the definition of the word palliative
You will learn to live with it You will learn to smile for pictures You will learn to claim a seat early You will learn to summarize You will learn good days and bad days You will learn sorry I know this is last minute but I have to cancel
You will learn to love deeply You will learn to apologize profusely
You will learn how successful other people will become