Words words to say words to say for those who possess a quiescent soul vibrations forming into susurrus breathes, spun by Love. Love is an oxymoronic, overly celebrated, seemingly sempiternal happening that is eternally ephemeral, lasting a very short t i m e. Love speaks with words that no matter how dis-joint-ed sound wonderfully euphonious - a sonic euphoria a billet-doux made from absolutely nothing but the very rawness of being absolute. Love is a little more than chimerical. Love is a clinquant aubade that requires redamancy.
Love requires love to exist in it's eternal shortness, to exist in the mere seconds that are allowed to exist in the ephemeral time frame of a blip in space of decades and decades that no one will rememeber and that will not matter to the masses and will mean absolutely nothing to everyone else except for the one that is awake enough to look directly at Love.
Quiescent - a quiet, soft-spoken soul. Chimerical - merely imaginary; fanciful. Susurrus - a whispering or rustling sound. Clinquant - glittering; tinsel-like. Aubade - a song greeting the dawn. Ephemeral - lasting a very short time. Sempiternal - everlasting; eternal. Euphonious - pleasing; sweet in sound. Billet-doux - a love letter. Redamancy - act of loving in return.