I keep words to myself as like the presence you keep and present it to a word in small portions -as the presents I have, as it's gift present thoughts that soon become a presentation for the future, as your strength at times challenges the weak In a period of how long I should respond to hateful words; I know at times it takes about a week.
Constantly saying, "I'm fine, I'M FINE," as shown to a man, as a pricey kind of response, and ticket to nothing close to freedom, and depression being it's fine As I've tried to propel myself forward into a fake kind of happy, one row at a time, Still I'm likely stuck in the line of my own frustrations, and waiting to picked out of that row.
Still call me a sinner, someone to at least say, "I've seen it all" maybe to have sin for all I should have said no, but I'd use that careless phrase, "I didn't know, I DIDN'T KNOW."