When everyday feels like this. I cant imagine living the rest of my life. Fighting this hard just to survive.
If this is the rest of my life.
I wish I didn't exist.
I wish I could be erased from the hearts of those who love me. That I could never have to deal with trauma that is my mind. That the people I so dearly love wouldn't be affect by my lack of time.
The gravity of this feeling in my body, Outweighs the guilt I feel for thinking it. The desire to just be nothing, courses through my bones.
If this is the rest of my life. I have three reasons to stay. Three people who love me, and wouldn't have their life any other way. But if this is the rest of my life.
I will always struggle. I will always be fighting, every day. I will always be exhausted. By the time I wake up in the morning.
If this is the rest of my life. I will always wish the younger me was strong enough to act. I'll wish I made the decision before I had my three reasons, For the rest of my life.