Hooray I am myself And if you ask me If I really loved myself I must tell you that I do Before I love anybody else Also, I can't take back my Identity Because I am a gay man Since birth Also, it was my father who made Who I am I am having a hard time accepting That I am gay I also feel a little ashamed of Being gay I don't think people will forgive Themselves If they became my friends Because I need to get used to that I feel that my father Doesn't mind that I am gay He made me gay Many years ago And I know that if Wasn't for my Father I would not exist People also must understand that I am also human And I have feelings People don't call me vegetable Because you are going to hurt My feelings And I don't deserve that People I deserve to be respected Also, I am a Christian And every year I get older I can't stop that Because my father Made life that way Every day I wake early And I don't forget to Thank my Father In my prayer For keeping me alive People I am going to die Before you Because I am already older Than you And I lived my life already I am looking forward to die