The sound again No the lack of You can't hear anything You try snapping Nothing. Yelling full force Nothing. You know you're not deaf The world around you returns to normal sound But it isn't right the shadows Their deeper almost pit like The oddity of the day pushes you Now in a cryptic room Cobwebs and silence Scattered bones catch the eyes The sound leaves again The shadows deepen Sound still missing you hear a sound A something a nothing A scratching sound They Scamper Crawl Slither Ooze Lurch into the room The darkness now trivial These beast No not beasts creations Imagination run wild The monstrosities of sleep The monsters of fear Death shrinks away God flinches away Jesus prays for your swift demise The devil pleads for your quick end These are long forget nightmares The monsters that haunt man What lives under your bed What little toys man actually is These are the devourers They follow you home The live silently Until you notice them The monstrosities wait Don't try Run and never stop They still watch you