Escravo do dinheiro I became After I am working every single Day 19 hours I am no longer happy Having to look at a huge Amount of dinheiro I hate being The escravo do dinheiro Every single day Yes father That dinheiro is giving me Lots of headeaches The small amount of The money I use daily The large amount of dinheiro I keep it in the bank So it grows with the interest Every month Yes father I know that dinheiro Doesn’t grow on tree And also dinheiro only brings Comfort and nothing else I can’t buy friends with money Because that is not how we make friends Also we can’t buy love with dinheiro Because love is not for sale also Love is a feeling that comes out of our Hearts to give to those you love Father I don’t like the rich people I love the poor people That lives in Canada They are what I call my friends Forever Also I know that I can trust My poor friends They also don’t have much dinheiro To live like me Sometimes we have to stretch the dinheiro When we are shopping for clothes We can’t buy new clothes because they are Very expensive so we need to buy Used clothes from the second hand store Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it To get rid of the bed bugs