Hello its me that you looking for My father I am happy to be alive every day Because you father keep me alive Every single day My father I am always available for you When you need me All you have to do is call me And I will come to you Right away You don’t need to worry about that I am telling you the truth father I am always available In the Summer, Winter, and Fall And also Spring When the birds will be back Here at home Father I will come with you And we are going to look After the less fortunate Every single day Also every single season Summer Fall and Spring We will be feeding the Less fortunate Every season We don’t want the less Fortunate to starve And died of starvation Also we don’t want the Less fortunate to be dehydrated So we give then a drink With there meal to **** there Thirst Also When the winter arrive We will take them to a shelter Where they will share a room With 12 other people There they will be able To have there shower In the mornings every single day And we will give them New clothes to wear Every single day And the clothes we are giving them We purchased at a second hand store Because it is cheaper and also affordable