I Challenge you My friend By doing things for yourself So I am here Just to observe you Because I want to make sure That you can live soon By yourself Friend I also want you To pray alone For you father Every night before you go To bed It only takes a couple minutes Then you can go straight To sleep I also hope That you have a good sleep To night I know that the night is very Long Our father made the night That away Also tomorrow will be another day I hope you are going to look forward To the new day That my God brought to you Try not to sleep in tomorrow Because you don't want to waist the New sunny day Friend we still having the Summer Until September The Summer will end in September Also we will be changing the clocks back One hour Tomorrow it will be the first day of Fall That you and me hates that Summer ended yesterday And also the hot weather is over The beautiful birds had migrated south For the winter We don't like that at all Now the days are shorter and it gets Darker at 5 pm It is time for you to sleep I understand that you are tired now