I didn't expect for you to arrive so soon What I felt was so over the moon When I met you, it was something special This love was rather emotional or sentimental
Seeing you smile and happy made my day complete While holding my hand or hugging me made my heart beat Our blissful nights are for ******* And our glory mornings are for *******
What would life be without you? Would life be worth living without you?
All my better days are the ones spent with you I would never finish falling in love with you And in the middle of my mess and chaos, there was you Baby, your arms felt like home
With you, it will always feel like coming home Then and now, my heart made its choice and it chose you
When I'm with you, I always forget my problems and sorrows Only you can make me smile even in my lowest of lows And only you is proud enough to love and accept me Right before we became lovers
I knew that we were meant to be together That you belong with me
I just wanna give the love you never had I just wanna see you being glad No more room for loneliness I hope with me is where you would find your long lost happiness