I choose All of you people To be my friends Also we have a lot In common I am a Christian And you people Are also Christian From birth To adult life Also People I am God’s poet And you people Are also a poet I go to bed early every Single night And you people Also go to bed early The next day I wake Up at 11:00 am All of you people Also wake up At 11:00 am Also I have my shower First thing in the morning I put some body wash In my sponge Then I rub my Sponge all over my body Now all I have to do Is rinse the body wash That is in my body When I finished my Shower I turn my shower of Then I also dry my body With a bath towel Now is time for me To shave my face With the electric Shaver Now I will get dress Into my casual clothes All of you people Also have you shower First thing in the morning You turn you shower on Then you go into the shower You put the body wash In the sponge Now you rub the sponge All over you body Then when it is finished You rinsed the body wash Now is time to turn The shower of Now you need to dry you body With a bath towel Then you all will shave With the electric shaver Finally it is now for you all To get dress All of you into you Casual clothes All of you people Buy only second hand clothes And you people can’t afford To buy designers clothes Because they are very expensive And you wear three times the Designer clothes But when you put in the washing And wash the designer clothes Now you will put it in the Dryer Also when you take it Out of the dryer They look like hell All of you people Pray every night For my father That had made you With his holy hands All of you people I also pray for my father Every single night