Do you remember? Do you recall? The story starts the same way, don't they all? Once, There was a storm raging against the outside of the building we were in that we could hear through the wall. We both reached for the same object at the same time and there was something in the casual intimacy of that brief touch that I've thought about all my life. I've been chasing lightening through dark skies and old mythology and coming up hollow, empty as a promise to behave but I'm still hunting it down as I while away these humid dog days. In the soft wet soil with Nimoy tracking In Search of... but finding questions answered, discarded or pointless and losing years in the rabbit holes that I fall down. What was the magic of a moment just after I knew what I know but before I knew that I had no clue what I know, afterall. And how do you explain a longing for something as ineffable as a fleeting moment of comfort wrapped in nervous flirty laughter? Once, I found myself attempting to recover and laid out against a bare floor. You floated over me in dimples and sunlight and soft, sweet kisses I remebering that right? I'm sitting in the Summer trying to relate to Winter how I got caught up in the Spring trying to explain the Fall. Still, fires burn and waves crash. Babies are born and nothing will last. But for a moment, years and exactly one lifetime ago, I was okay with it all. I found comfort in the thunder and shelter in the squall.