You say That I am you best friend And I feel very lucky To have a friend Like you in my life Friend I know that You treat me With respect And that is how I want to be treated All the time I also have respect for you Friend we are both human We do make mistakes in life But if we donβt keep Trying to fix our mistakes We will be stack Forever So I believe in fixing our Mistakes and move on With life Also we had been born Christians And we are going to die like Christians The day our lives will be over Here on earth It is our father that Will put an end to our lives The day we are old And our father will take us to Heaven End there in heaven we will Be resting in peace You donβt have to worry anymore About that Because we are not going to suffer anymore Also our friends will come and say goodbye To us the day that we will be leaving the earth We know that they will be sad to see us go And they will be grieving For us Also our friends that was left behind Still have a life to live On earth