I was not prepared Seeing you for the first time in years felt like the air was punched right out of me I’m not sure if I pretended well enough I’m not sure I care
If this was years ago, I would’ve talked to you I would’ve texted you after Not caring where you were at in life Where I’m at…
I’ve always been selfish with my feelings I’m trying not to be I kept my space Until I heard my name being called to come join everyone
I couldn’t stop looking up at the stars Or lack there of
I couldn’t stop telling myself that this is what I deserve This feeling of regret
And instead of making it known Trying to fix it Or get what I could back
I just keep reminding myself that I need to leave us there in the past and continue moving forward
I will not disrupt lives for my own selfish feelings
I only wonder how long you’ll be visiting me in my dreams Like my own form of torture.