Thanks for being such a great friend. No, really, I mean it.
Thanks for being so great That I spend all my days off And never see you. Even though I took them off To see you.
Thanks for watching football games For six hours after they're over, Always too busy to hang out. Always too busy to listen. Always too busy To tell me you're too busy. I wouldn't want to waste your time.
Thanks for going out to dinner Without ever inviting me. You didn't think I wanted to go, That's very considerate. I must be special.
Thanks for never calling me back, Or even a single message To say you can't show up. Saving my phone battery, That's very kind of you.
Thanks for being somewhere else When you told me you were free. I didn't make plans or anything, No harm done.
But most of all, Thanks for showing me How important I am By ignoring me For weeks at a time.