Trimmareus, the insane voice of the sensual pig, who fled from his blue mural to the land of jazz and muffaletas only to discover the senselessness of clothes...
Peter, the pine tree apostle, who paved the way to indifference on a needle point, silently prophesying the burning of Atlanta (in Atlanta)...
Time Crisis, the first disciple of the salt or pepper Antichrist, who physically assaulted his mind in an attempt to defy gravity, finally settling for three squares and a cot...
Amante, the disturbed and uprooted lover, who, by some accounts, fancied urinating in the face of his keepers.
All of these brothers have fallen, cherub wings or no, and the meek are left behind in quiet speculation of our vain attempts to ***** out these small campfires of insurrection.
We have taken the low road, carrying our hearts in wicker baskets and our monkeys on our backs, spitting and cursing about time love money *** school work life the safety bar money *** violence apathy love and time when we discover we do not have the ones we feel we need.
(do you want peace?)
We cried over the death of the apostle knowing he had martyred himself for no particular reason, and after vilifying his role and path, attempted to follow his lead into the night regardless
(I make peace.)
We vomited on the lover's dossier in response to repeated professions of innocence and conspiracy at the hands of the merciless system (created by sensuous hands).
The outsiders can see the dragon, rising out of the depths and whispering our demise like sweet nothings in the ears of the desperate hopeful;
(Come and be free in my sunshine.)
the beckoning of the crashing surf and the beauty of the half sun radiating and filtering our reservations into happiness at the acts we commit in its name
(Sacrifice to me your children's tongues and hearts, send them away bleeding and crying.)
We are the pure of heart in this sick land of Golgotha, where the rain is only the urination of our higher powers, the soap we cleanse our souls with and witness to others so that they too can enjoy this ancient bliss.