the siege begins again as it has and is and always will stay inside the castle walls there's no need for this we shall build and rebuild the bastion these walls shall never fall after the last swore they would never be breached again swore none would come close
but here we are
they surround the palisade they tempt you with gifts and batter you with armaments they fly different flags and different banners they carry different faces and different names but always the same catapults the same battering rams laying siege with their sharp tongues and gilded hands come to burn come to plunder come to take everything away
for days and weeks the siege continues tearing at these walls you worked so hard to build and rebuild but you're tired you are so tired! of fighting of tending to the wall why not let loose the gates and allow entrance once more don't let those thoughts consume you you can't let them in they'll burn you down they'll burn you down they'll steal you away and ruin you you can't let them in you can't fall for thatΒ trojan horse again