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Jun 2023
When you feel the pain
for those who are gone
how can you explain
that they've moved on.
You go back in time
and think of the past
the mountains you climb
that never lasts.
Memories you've shared
are there in your mind
never be compared
of trouble left behind.
Leaving behind was the love
so you would never forget
all the times you thought of
best times you've had yet.
Those days were great
but now they're gone
though they couldn't wait
knowing they had to move on.
But when it's our time to go
look where we'll be
like a tree, we'll grow
high up to eternity.
Pain will be no more
problems will be gone too
opening up heaven's door
a new place for me & you.
Our future will then be bright
thank the good LORD above
now we'll be able to see the light
thank GOD for the love.
Written by
Scotty bruner  62/M/Lexington Kentucky
(62/M/Lexington Kentucky)   
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