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Sep 2013
When the damage was done and your soul was won. Did you feel a sting? Did you know you were done?
Did the lights dim down in your common sense, did you ever think once that your sins would win.
Did it hit you hard when I ran away, or was it a sweet release from inflicting pain.
On the ones who loved you, on the ones who cared. Or was it the answer to your silent prayers.
When you begged me back, what did you think I'd say?
I was never raised to enjoy the pain.
The nights you told me of demons and angels, I thought you were a savior. Not to be taken by the devil.
I used to be appalled by the crazy ones, never realizing that I lived with some.
Until it broke lose and the war begun. I was fighting alone against the chosen ones.
The ones he preyed on to take my family, I tried to be the glue at barely fourteen.
I should have never believed you all the times you apologized and now you're here again, same look there in your eyes.
Maybe you'd understand if you could only see through mine.
Dear, Mom & Dad..
Brittany Jackson
Written by
Brittany Jackson  TX
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