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Jun 2023
Beauty, a mystic veil  gracing our sight,
Weaving its spell with colors so bright,
A tapestry of wonders across the land.
In every corner, both humble and grand.

Mountains that pierce through the misty gloom,
In sunrise's blush, a radiant bloom,
The sky ablaze with hues of gold,
A masterpiece of nature untold.

Beauty whispers in a gentle breeze,
In the flutter of wings and rustle of trees,
Caressing petals, their delicate grace,
An orchestra of life, a sacred space.

Dwelling in eyes of the souls we meet,
In laughter's melody, so pure and sweet,
Reflecting stories, both joy and despair,
In tears that cleanse, showing we care.

Beauty rests not solely in form or face,
It can radiate from a loving embrace,
In kindness given, in love that's true,
A timeless essence, forever anew.

In the presence of beauty, hearts take flight,
In simplest moments, in the grandest sight,
So let us seek the beauty all around,
For it's in admiration we are truly found.
Written by
Shubhkiran  37/F/India
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