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Jun 2023
In the depth of Earth lies a seed
Full of might but not attention to heed
Carrying within life's infinite grace
A mark of hope in it's humble embrace

From  quite slumber it begins to awake
Seeking the sun a new journey to take
Roots reach deep anchoring the ground
Drawing the life and seeking around

With vigor and hope it sprouts and grows
Frail shoots emerging reaching the glows
Leaves unfurl so vibrant and green
Testament of Nature a marvel to be seen

seasons change it stands and thrives,
Blossoming to beauty, as purpose arrives.
From the tiniest seed, a mighty Oak can rise,
Granting the shade and shelter paradise

Oh , the wonders it has in the core
Admiring the miracles nature has in store.
So cherish the seed, embrace its worth,
For in its actuality lies the miracle of birth
Written by
Shubhkiran  37/F/India
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