Scratch my brain like a record, Leave it keyed and unplayable - I needn't play it anyway, It is not for me to play
Bouncing off my reflection is you, My poison, my parasite, As though you reflect me in full, As though I'm the plotless one
You wedge your knife words Between the cracks on my skull And you pry open my bones And salt my insides with cyanide
You scrape the inside of my skull Until the pain is deafening, You press on me til my ribs shatter And my shoulders cave in
As though standing in a shower of lava, You burn my skin and my insides off My tired bones you won't let rest As long as they are attached to flesh
I walk the tightrope across the abyss And you cut the chord beneath me, And as I plummet, I see a face that is mine - Why did you want me dead?
You've already taken all that could be, All that was and all that is - What else can you find to claim for yourself When I'm nothing but bones before you
I await the day we both shut off, When you leave me for good, When I dissolve into void - When my flesh takes you with itself
As my flesh rots away, you rot with it, No longer burning it, no longer in power - This machine we were simmered to nothing, At long last put to its rightful rest
The melodies you scratch into my skull Still retain a sliver of resemblance To a normality you're dying to **** - I shall hum them to my final breath
The unholy trinity; my RSDemons, my ADHDemons & my OCDemons Written; 2023.apr.29., 3:19 AM