I spend my days strapped down holding my breath and bleeding out. The world grows and changes and is ravaged by time and tide. Frost blankets the morning world and heaters go on to warm the windows. When the sun finishes the cold night air envelopes me and if I can stop the bleeding I will go home. I'm getting older how is it that time is standing still? I hear laughter like distant thunder with ears cold and raw. Skin chapped by wind fingers shaking like Electric Football and dreams dying on the vine words dying in the cooling evening air. Sudden phone call as a car changes lanes without blinker. Swearing into the phone but alive what passes for alive. Breathing hard angry clouds of chilled air in rapid bursts. Knowing the embers in my heart are burning low these days. I was going to set the world on fire. But my spark casts no light. No heat. I've become November In early August because the playing is done and the laughter is over and only the work is left. Turn on. Turn wrench. Turn in. I'm going to turn this key And I'm going to hope the engine turns over so I can leave and so I don't freeze.