lately i’ve been missing being nineteen who i was before i was anybody
(there’s a lot about it i don’t miss the anxiety the conflict)
but i miss the pink shimmer around my eyes the flowers on my jacket and in my hair and the uncertain hope i was hanging onto
that in five years i would know who i was and what i was doing
but that’s not how it works it works more like the tattoo on my ankle
(it's a bike because my mother always used to say god will steer the bicycle but not until you peddle first
and that’s what i did i kept peddling but i’m not 100% convinced any divine guidance led me to here)
if this is the future for the girl i was at nineteen then i'm not sure about the future of current me at thirty
("sometimes i want to quit it all and become an accountant now" was a song i played a lot then
because when i was an artistic teenager i thought numbers might hold more permanence than words and it was funny because me? an accountant?
and then guess what happened i went and became a ******* accountant)
i miss who i was before i realized i'm never going to have this figured out
because i’m never going to have this figured out and i get the feeling that trying to figure things out is about to get a whole lot more complicated
i miss being twenty one and having no ******* clue that i was about to be tethered to a liquor store
i walked in there the other day and the new guy carded me it hit me in a flood what it felt like to be a stranger in my own town
what it meant that the footprint i accidentally left in the corner of the municipal lot on that hot sunny summer day they were laying blacktop just got paved over
but i spent enough time in his position not to be the person that says “you don’t know who i am do you?” he’ll find out soon enough
you know what we always say “i’d burn this whole town down if it weren’t for my liquor store”
i’m not unhappy as it stands i’m worried about what comes next
i’ve been doing less soul searching and more heart clenching gut wrenching
and i’ll make a pros and cons list but it will just look like this
win win lose lose win lose lose win
the universe is playing a giant prank on me and i’m in limbo trying to plan ahead