There's a hole in my stomach(heart) Dear Eliza Dear Eliza There's a hole in my stomach(heart) Where I never got enough love.
There's a storm in my city(psyche) Dear Eliza Dear Eliza There's a storm in my city(psyche) and the streets(thoughts) tend to flood.
Can you weather this weather? Dear Eliza Dear Eliza Can you weather this weather If your head stays above?
How long can you tread water? I know you swim better than I. Point of pride. Pride of endurance. Enduring exhaustion. Exhausted and lost and honestly just broke at the wishing well dreaming of the deluge the healing water that will wash away the wounds and make us whole again. if only I had a penny...
You said to me I can weather your storm but not if it drowns me
or maybe I can weather your storm but not if it drowns out mine.
I don't remember exactly the phrasing. Maybe because the water was already drowning you out.
You don't have to shout.
No matter how loud my insides are screaming I will always open ears like basins larger than mouths like calderas to find a way back to listening. I will open heart like valleys bigger than hurt like dams To hold for you a space that's safe for swimming.
heart(stomach) stays open because the hole is too big to close
when you pass through the other side every time a new piece of you stays for a while my new favorite chapter in endless series
You don't have to shout but you may scream as loud as you need, and I will hear every furious decibel and understand it as music.