I'm away a lot more than I am home and when I'm home the happiness sets with the sun the first day I'm back
I know my life in my hometown is over I don't have new memories to make because too much has already happened here
You call me a run away One foot out the door from the beginning
You come off derogatory I'm getting tired of you comparing me to my dad He isn't that bad
I'm angry you haven't asked me to marry you, but most of my actions show that Im bored and done with wanting that existence I attempted it I ******* failed I'm not going to wait to make you dinner like I did That's ******* over Besides, who gives a ring to a run away?
But I do miss you I call everyday
We talk about how when we are together we are happy and relaxed
But I can only stand that relaxation for a day or two I stomach the familiarity then Im ready to leave town again
Yet, You are my anchor I come to you when I need to stop what I'm doing
I need your love to feel like me
I don't want this, I wish I could cut myself free, but I am the ship and you are attached to me