Time to put on my favorite playlist Something I can shake and shimmer to Something to aid me in pretending I'm someplace far, far away The babies sleep inside their cartooned sheets upstairs As music plays softly downstairs And they dream of dancing, too
My mother twirls away her worries in another part of town She's so beautiful as the beat moves through her In perfect synchronicity with her pain I long to catch the spinning hem of her skirts as she flies around the room To leap next to her as she pirouettes the angry marks from her skin Catch her as she's whirling with the nagging reminder of what if And make her stay
When the last note of some nameless song echoes into vacant air I try to mirror her, the way I imagine her in my head I try to laugh at you and your ominous, invisible presence next to our back door And the frightened feelings you left lingering behind
Permanently bruised; we dance so we won't cry Irreparably broken by you, my mother and I.