One More Hill, a gruelling cross country race Seemingly endless peaks to climb at fast pace Last year progressed like climbing another hill Enthusiastic start gradually ground to a standstill
Near pinnacle meandered to a perilous road Contrived to land in a serious implode mode Agony of war and toxic climate are worrisome Competing jingoism and insensitivity irksome
Herculean task to clamber out valley of despair Resolute determination for remedy and repair Fading memories urge sharp course correction Universal brotherhood requires resurrection
Resurgent euphoria again brings new hope Promising dreams of success on a long rope Expectations of achievements, new pursuit Renew firm resolve to reach for sweet fruit
With every bit of energy ascend inviting summit Motivation and enthusiasm must never plummet Shed miasma of failure and loads of expectation To conquer final peak of ecstasy and redemption