It’s just another day, Another day of sleeping so the feelings go away, So the memories of you flee my mind and finally I feel semi-free. Because you’re still there, in my nightmares. But at least I wake up! Right? Just another day, Another session, And even more loneliness. Though I’d never admit that. Another day of lying to myself that I’m ok when in fact I’m holding it together by little threads slowly but surely knowing the seams will eventually tear and it’ll be just another breakdown. I need another day, To figure out what ok means to me. Cause if you were to ask today I’d say ok to me means at least I’m not dead. But another day and maybe it’ll change. Right? Maybe a couple more days, Or months, Hell years, But as long as I’m ok right? Just another day. I wake up and take my medicine and pray for better days and a better mind. All I can do is pray and hope. Just another day.