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Sep 2013
Shedding the peel of last night’s encounter
Memories reel back and turn up louder
I stuff my fingers in my ears to stifle the sound
I shut my eyes closed to escape the images abound
The subtle rays expose my **** body
There laid clothes rumpled and left shoddy
When Run Can’t be Done.
A film played in my filthy, scummy mind.
Of the deed I did that was much out of line.
A man, a stranger: An eerie ol’ bloke
I let him in, I let him in and out with a stroke
It was inebriation!  
A combination of trepidation & degradation.
I didn’t feel love or even a sense of company
But I felt hated, hatefucked when he was in me.
Ahh, the guilty moment women experience from waking up after a one-night stand. I personally have never had a one-night stand, but I can tell ya---I've been around a few women who have. And some (not all) find it ultimately embarrassing.
Kimberly Gedeon
Written by
Kimberly Gedeon  New York
(New York)   
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