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Jan 2023
What does it mean to live in the moment?

My perspective.  

Past=depression  present=happiness  future=anxiety drugs=mask

First I think we have to start with the past. So let's look at what it means to dwell in the past.

The past...  

We dwell upon the things we cannot change.  We think back at all our past mistakes.  We find reasons to hate ourselves for past choices we have made.  Yet while we do this we dont realize that the past is the past  and we cannot change what has happened.  We can only change what we do in our present.  This is key.

The future.....

The other thing us as humans do,  is dwell to much into the future.  We worry about things that have not happened and may never happened.  

This is anxiety.  

Why do we put ourselves through this?  Our minds are racing about the infinite possibilities that may or may not happen.  All the while we dont realize if we just payed attention to the present, we would see how beautiful this world truly is.

The present.

Some say ignorance is bliss,  it's this very premise that brings a smile to ourselves.

It's only in the moment we make the memories that are held up to years of life.  

Our accomplishments,  our happiness, our pain.


  This is where I feel drugs become a crutch that some people lean on to deal with depression and anxiety.  

Let's think about that for a moment.  A person who is struggling to deal with the past or the future may find themselves doing some type of drug.

But why is this?  My perspective is that when they are on drugs it's the only time they are truly living in the moment.  The present.  

You become focused on the feeling you get from drugs and alcohol and your past troubles fade away. Then Your future problems  drift by as you take ahold of the moment that your living.  The present.  

Its only after the drugs fade that the worries of tomorrow, coupled with regrets from the past, come back to haunt you.  

In order to enjoy your life, you dont need dont need only need to embrace the space around you.  Look around, take it all in, and enjoy it.

Accept the things you cannot change and accept that we dont know what tomorrow may bring.  

Just enjoy the moment, embrace it, Love it andd set your soul free.

P.s. Drunken ramblings of a mad man
Written by
matthew paschall
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