Returning to the space of talking to myself Words that dance in my head or end up as random letters on the shelf Certain situations make me want to be alone The faithfulness to your being like it’s never been shown I love as wide as the ocean spreads even if you can’t tell The only individual that could do so well To hurt me with words to feel each thing you said And still loving you as it all bounces through my head truly wanting you to know you’re the only one When circumstances make you quick to run Quick to anger Straight into danger zone Where all the proportions are blown And now you don’t trust me The game of love so ugly Never like your past if you could just trust me
I feel like a constant **** up. Like I sabotage everything with no intentions on doing so.. knowing nobody receives the love, expression, and words that I give you.. it’s like me only being for you since the beginning just isn't enough.. when I only feel for you and no one else.. but per usual I stick to myself I keep my emotions to my own thinking I could atleast have a friend to confide in but it only continued to add fire to a weak but terrorizing flame. I feel even more alone stumbling over someone I can’t even say for sure will stick around someone I can’t even say will trust me fully someone who I want so badly but doesn’t even see a future space with me. I continue to get trapped in tunnel vision thinking I can’t make you happy and it’ll only continue to get worse.. my fear of the future days constantly constrains my degrading tears.. tears only I see