Comply with my compulsions, Like the five other myselves Comply with my pleas To quiet down
Comply with my oddities, Like the termites in my brain Comply with my pleas To slow down
Comply with my abnormalities, Like images flashing through me Comply with my pleas To cease
Comply with my tyrannical rule, Comply with my censorship, Comply with my neurosis, Comply with my oppression
Comply, then
If nothing in you feels compelled To spare me from myself, Then turn me into your personal villain, And comply
Comply with me And my termites And my parasites And my paranoias And my anxieties And my shells And my panic When they're broken
Comply with all the things I've grown to comply with Just to breathe
Comply with the ridiculous rule Of me not wanting to get triggered. Comply with my ridiculous fear Of buying bus tickets. Comply with my ridiculous censorship Of slurs you can't reclaim. Comply with my ridiculous triggers I don't need to explain.
"Comply," As though I have the upper hand. As though I have power over you. As though you're a victim of my existence.
Of the termites, The parasites, The paranoias, The anxieties, The panic - You might be the worst thing Living in my brain
The vague shape of this has been rattling in my brain like a loose tic tac & I don't think I've done it justice, but this is all I can do rn.