I'm on the corner of a street my feet know how to navigate well From many times Ive traveled here to scan the faces in the crosswalk In the beginning I avoided this place in hopes the sickness in my stomach could cease for a little while But as time went on the days became lonelier And on those days I wandered here So I could feel nervous again Longing for my heart to catch in my throat when I see his lips Or his nose on a different face Hoping that the sound of your voice will float into my body and bring me back to life once again But Ive had no luck so far So for today I tell myself "Rest now." And forget about the tireless search for a familiar smile When I settle on his eyes I'm mercilessly tossed away into their oceans in ways that I never thought possible Reality slips away Leaving nothing but my tunnel vision of him I race through the gardens of his mind and see Where I had once broken off a piece of myself And hidden it inside of him A piece of me I knew would not be forgotten forever But that I might not ever be able to find I'm not expecting to come face to face with so suddenly And I'm thrown into his orbit once again My resolve disappears like his cigarette smoke For that moment I am sixteen again Catching his gaze across the lawn The color of his eyes so indicative of mine His insides are so vulnerable to me When he sees me I know he finds the piece he had buried inside of me too