it's been something I've believed since the day I saw the light the light that shines on every one's face that shines through the acne or scars the birth marks or bars that everyone is beautiful regardless of what titles theyve been given I know you've all heard it before or maybe you haven't either way you need to know that you are not what you're told whether that be garbage, or gold you need only one title to call yourself that's human that's living breathing and with a heart aimed somewhere past your past you have the potential to be great but only when you realize that you're strongest in your weakness when you see that the road less travelled is less trampled beaten because people weren't stepped on walked all over they carried each other held each other up the road less traveled isn't easier in fact, it's rockier sharper steeper and you're most likely going to get hurt you're going to gain some scars because the road less traveled was pioneered by forgiveness and i don't want you to think that it's easy because it's not i don't want you to think it's simple because it's not i want you to know it's right so do the hardest thing tonight and forgive yourself so that you can start down the road less traveled called beauty