Years ago you walked into my life I can still picture what you were wearing
It popped up as a memory on Snapchat Like a punch in the gut
The feeling I had was indescribable To think that it has been that long
I think the feeling I was hit with was regret Or maybe nostalgia? I’m not sure
I know it’s something I’ll live with forever I will be married with kids and still get hit with that same feeling if your name is brought up
Don’t get me wrong I don’t miss the past I don’t miss what we went through What I put you through
But I think I will always miss… you Your humor Your kindness Your selflessness Our endless conversations Our craving each others attention
I still check up on you every now and then More often than I’d like to admit And no it’s not how you think
I check to see if you’re okay Which I guess is a hard thing to tell over social media but I check to see if you’re having fun with friends I check to see what funny tweets you retweet (we really did have the same sense of humor) I check because I need to know that you’re happy So that the guilt doesn’t eat away at me as much So maybe I am still being selfish in that way
My only saving grace is knowing how great of a person you are Knowing you will (or already have) found happiness again in someone else
I know now we have too much history to ever get back what we had Or could’ve had
I don’t believe in soulmates But I do believe we were put together for a reason “right person wrong time” to teach us a lesson