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Sep 2013
Why is it, that the vilest of temptations
seek to violate my mind, during moments…
of weakness, solitude and prayer time?
Is it not enough that my inner person
has been consumed with the filth of my flesh?
How much longer must I wait for the body
of incorruption that will suit me in eternity?
Though I can’t seem to stop sinning,
is it wrong to want to curb its unwanted flow?
These temptations appeal to my carnality,
but I find their continuing stream tiresome.
Spiritual perfection is an ideal, that cannot…
be achieved in today’s earthly journey.
And yet, to utterly give up and intentionally sin,
will never be an improvement of my fallen condition.
How much training is required to reject ungodliness?
O, Lord, please strengthen my spirit to capture
and discard these thought contaminations…
by making my flesh permanently dead to their allure
and by always drawing me ever closer to You!

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Rom 3:23; *** 2:11-14; Col 3:1-11

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2012, All rights reserved.
Joseph J Breunig 3rd
Written by
Joseph J Breunig 3rd  Southern Maine
(Southern Maine)   
   Allison and LeeAnn
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