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Nov 2022
The stems have leaves chlorophylled to the seams. Intoxicating shades of green. Pile on more soil. Fertilizer and neem oil. Moon-dripped slumbers and every day bathed in a sun thatโ€™s grinning. Roots so healthy they should be award-winning. Biweekly happy hour of fresh as **** tepid water. Emerald leaf and dark chocolate dirt. Iโ€™m so bored. I crave deep blood red. Pops of pink and jolts of lightning yellow. Navel orange like a submarine. Or maybe even a hazy purple fever dream. Somethingโ€ฆanything more than green. I need the magical swirl like a mother of pearl. When will the petals unfurl?
Written by
sofolo  M/nashville, tn
(M/nashville, tn)   
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