one a child, always a child even when we are no longer children those children's hearts linger inside us, hidden away in the corners of our lungs like russian nesting dolls. that child's heart still beats under layers of paint, chipped and dirtied, remaining hidden, always hidden. these dolls, so fragile, a most earnest gift, so small, its paint so peeled and disfigured now yet when our larger hearts are removed, peeled back like the rings of old trees, carbon dating the ways we protect ourselves can we ever go back to the beginning? to when the paint was fresh? to when the wood wasn't rotted? when vibrant joy and sorrow and anger and jealousy and passion and heartfelt tears could be easily expressed, shamelessly witnessed. but you've carved another doll another layer her smile especially wide, stark white, it shines against the dull colors of her dress she doesn't dance in, not like she used to.